AQAR/SSR Academic calendar 2019-2020 AQAR 2017-2018 Programme Outcome and Course Outcome 2019-2020 STUDENT SATISFACTION SURVEY 2019-2020 PROCEDURES AND POLICIES FOR MAINTAINING AND UTILIZING PHYSICAL ACADEMIC AND SUPPORT FACILITIES 2019-20 Media Content Best Practices Sports best practice & thrust area Promotion of Gender Equity Classrooms Academic Calendar 2020-2021 Sanctioned Post IQAC Proceeding 2020-2021 Government OM regarding reservation of seats in Educational Institute Feedback Report 2020-2021 ICT tools used by teachers Annual Report 2020 Student satisfaction survey 2020-2021 Classrooms and seminar halls with ICT facilities N-List Subscription 2021 Scholarships and Free ships Career Counselling Programme 2020-2021 Organogram of the College Degradable and Non-Degradable Waste disposal Annual Gender Action Plan 2020-2021 Specific Facilities Code of conduct for students, teachers, non-teaching staff Best Practice E-Learning and Activities 2020-2021 Online Webinars/Conferences 2020-2021 Report on online events Extension Activities AQAR 2019-2020 7.1.1 GENDER EQUITY 2021-22 ANNUAL-GENDER-ACTION-PLAN ANNUAL-GENDER-ACTION-PLAN-2021-22 7.1.3-1 DEGRADABLE AND NON-DEGRADABLE WASTE FACILITIES AQAR-2020-21 AISHE-REPORT-2021-22 AISHE-2022-23-REPORT AISHE-CERTIFICATE-2021-22 AISHE- CERTIFICTAE 2022-23 PROJECT/FIELD WORK 2021-22 COURSE-OUTCOME COURSE-OUTCOME-1Download COURSE-OUTCOME STUDENT SATISFACTION SURVEY FEEDBACK REPORT 2021-22 MOU AND EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES 2021-22 ICT CLASSROOM online subscription library e resources 2021-22 FREESHIP-AID-FUND-INSTITUTION-PROVIDED 2021-22 STRATEGIC-PLAN-AND-DEPLOYMENT-1 ORGANOGRAM-COLLEGE-PDF AUDIT STATEMENT 2021-22l IQAC-CONTRIBUTION 2021-22 ANNUAL-REPORT-2021 ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2022-23 BY DIBRUGARH UNIVERSITY FOR GENERAL DEGREE COLLEGES AQAR 2021-2022 AISHE-REPORT-2021-22 AISHE-CERTIFICATE-2021-22 AISHE-2022-23-REPORT AISHE CERTIFICATE 2NLIST 022-23 NLIST 2022-23 SUBSCRIPTION LIBRARY-BOOK-PURCHASING-RECEIPTS-ETC-DOCUMENT FACILITIES FOR WOMEN AND PROGRAMMES 2022-23 ANNUAL-GENDER-ACTION-ACTION-PLAN DEGRADABLE AND NON-DEGRADABLE FACILITIES SANJAY ACHARJYA ARTICLE 2022-23 WORKSHOPS CONDUCTED IN 2022-23 Report-on-extension-and-outreach-Programs-conducted-by-the-Institution-during-the-Year-2022-2023 FIELD STUDY 2022-23 FILED-STUDY-ADDITIONAL 2022-23 FEEDBACK TEACHERS STUDENTS ALUMNI 2022-23 FEEDBACK-REPORT 2022-23 STUDENT-SATISFACTION-SURVEY-2022-23 STUDENT-FREESHIP-PDF 2022-23 ALUMNI-CONTRIBUTION IN 2022-23 ANNUAL-REPORT-2022 ADMISSION Reservation-Norms-DHE-Assam AQAR-2022-23-SUBMITTED IQAC-ACTIONA-TAKEN-REPORT 2019 to 2024 NLSI SUBSCRIPTION 2023-24 LIBRARY BOOK-PURCHASING-RECEIPTS-2023-24 LIBRARY PRINT-JOURNAL-PURCHANING-RECEIPTS-2023-24 CBCS-AND-NEP-DIBRUGARH-UINIVERSITY-DOC-MERGED ALL FEEDBACK REPORT-2023-24 DEGRADABLE AND NON-DEGRADABLE FACILITIES IN THE CAMPUS 2023-24 GENDER EQUITY PROGRAMMES AND OTHER INITIATIVES 2023-24 GENDER-ACTION-PLAN-2023-24 ANNUAL-REPORT-2023 2023-24-Student-satisfaction-survey SCHOLARSHIP AND FREESHIP 2023-24 Download Seminars/conferences/workshops conducted by Kamargaon College in 2023-24 FIELD STUDY REPORT 2023-24 1.3.3.-education-dept-field-stusy 1.3.3 ALL FIELD STUDY REPORT 2023-24 FACYULTY-EXCHANGE-COLLABORATION-ETC-PDF 2023-24 SUBMITTED-AQAR-2023-24 4.1.1 ADEQUATE INFRASTRUCTURE AND OTHER FACILITIES FOR TEACHING-LEARNING library attendance teacher and students ecosystem for innovations, Indian Knowledge System (IKS),including awareness about IPR, establishment of IPR cell, Incubation centre and other initiatives 7.1.1: Institution has initiated the Gender Audit and measures for the promotion of gender equity during the last five years. Describe the gender equity & sensitization in curricular and co-curricular activities, facilities for women on campus etc. 1.1.1: The Institution ensures effective curriculum planning and delivery through a well-planned and documented process including Academic calendar and conduct of continuous internal Assessment 1.2.1 attendance register of add on courses 1.2.1 Syllabus, Notice , Class Routine 1.2.2 Attendance Register and Class Photo 1.3.1_Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability in transacting the Curriculum 1.3.2 Project Works and Field Trips BEST PRACTICES LOCAL COMMUNITY AND NEARBY SCHOOL OUTREACHING & NATURE AND BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION EXTENSION ACTIVITIES DURRING THE LAST FIVE YEARS SPORTS AS A DISTINCTIVE AREA DURING THE LAST FIVE YEARS students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the institution, government and non-government bodies, industries, individuals, philanthropists during the last five years 2019 t0 2024 sanction letter of scholarships during 2019-20 to 2024-25 students benefitted by guidance for competitive examinations and career counseling offered by the Institution during the last five years 2019-20 to 2024-25 competitive exam and career counselling PDF 5.1.2 Report with photographs on Programmes /activities conducted to enhance soft skills, Language and communication skills, and Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene, self-employment and entrepreneurial skills) COMPREHENSIVE FEEDBACK REPORT ITS ANALYSIS AND ACTION TAKEN REPOR DURING 2019 to 2024 UPLOAD OTHER FILE ALL LIST OF STUDENTS, EVIDENCE OF SUCCESS ADD ON COURSE VALUE ADD COURSE ALL DOCS MEARGED ALL book chapter merged OF THE LAST FIVE YEARS 2019 TO 2024 6.1 The institutional governance and leadership are in accordance with the vision and mission of the Institution and it is visible in various institutional practices such as NEP implementation, sustained institutional growth, decentralization, participation in the institutional governance and in their short term and long term Institutional Perspective Plan 6.2.1: The institutional perspective plan is effectively deployed and functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment, service rules, and procedures, etc 6.3.1: The institution has performance appraisal system, effective welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff and avenues for career development/progression 6.4.1: Institution has strategies for mobilization and optimal utilization of resources and funds from various sources (government/ nongovernment organizations) and it conducts financial audits regularly (internal and external) 6.5.1 6.5.1: Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes. It reviews teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals and records the incremental improvement in various activities 4.1.1: The Institution has adequate infrastructure and other facilities for,teaching – learning, viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment etc ICT – enabled facilities such as smart class, LMS etc. Facilities for Cultural and sports activities, yoga centre, games (indoor and outdoor), Gymnasium, auditorium etc 4.1. Infrastructure and Learning Resource (1) ANTI HARASSMENT POLICY ANTI RAGGING POLICY ALL MERGED Gender Policy KAMARGAON COLLEGE PROCEEDING ANTI RAGGING & GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL CELL PDF ETC Grievance Redressal 2019-2024 STATURORY COMMITTEEE DETAILS HIGHER EDUCATION ENTROLMENT MERGED 2.3.1: Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences and teachers use ICT- enabled tools including online resources for effective teaching and learning process 2.3.1: new Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences and teachers use ICT- enabled tools including online resources for effective teaching and learning process 2023-24 RC OC FDP CERTIFICATES 2022-23 OC RC FDP MDP 2021-22 RC OC FDP WORKSHOP ETC 2020-21 RC OC FDP STP ETC 2019-20 RC OC FDP STP ETC NAAC 1ST CYCLE CERTIFICATE NAAC 2ND CYCLE CERTIFICATE NAAC 3RD CYCLE ASSESSMENT CERTIFICTAE ENERGY & GREEN AUDIT REPORT ALL FDP OC RC CERTIFICATES MERGED 2019-2024 2.6.1: Programme Outcomes (POs) and Course Outcomes (COs) for all Programmes offered by the institution are stated and displayed on website 2.6.2: Attainment of POs and COs are evaluated 00000 WEBINAR LIBRARY E RESOURCES 3.3.2 ALL WORKSHOP SEMINAR ETC ALL FILES COMPRESSED JOURNAL PUBLICATION OF FACULTIES 2019 to 2023-24 extension activities detailing with caption and photo MERGED PLACEMENT COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION 2019-20 to 2023-24 list and links to e-copies of award letters and certificates SPORTS ADDITIONAL DOCUMENT NEW RENEW NEW MERGED SPORTS AND CULTURAL DOCS PARTCIPATION_removed_removed_removed ALUMNI PARTICIPATION AND CONTRIBUTION EVIDENCE ETC IQAC PROCEEDINGS Number of sanctioned seats year wise during last five yearsDownload Number of sanctioned seats year wise during last five years (1) 1.1 EXTENDED PROFILE LIST AND NUMBER OF ALL STUDENTS Download 2.1.1 admission list 1st year affiliating unv doc 2.1.2 Authenticated admission list and seats earmarked reserved categories 2.2. APPOINTMENT LETTERS AND final list of teachers without repeat count merged DVV 1.2.1 NUMBER OF CERTIFICATE/VALUE ADDED COURSES OFFERED & PROOF READING & EDITING COURSE CERTIFICATE DVV 1.2.2 number of students enrolled in Certificate/Add on Courses etc along with Attendance sheet 1.3.2 merged PROJECT WORK AND PROJECT REPORT DOC FEEDBACK ANALYSIS AND ACTION TAKEN REPORT MERGED FEEDBACK ANALYSIS REPORT FEEDBACK ACTION TAKEN REPORT , filled in 5 forms of feedback of students, teachers, employer and alumni 7.1.2 institutional green facilities, green and plastic free plocy documents bills & green initiatives in the campus 7.1.3 Policy document on Environment and Energy usage green and environment audit green campus and beyond the campus initiative 19-20 FDP STP OC RC ETC 2020-21 OC RC FDP STP ETC 2021-22 OC RC FDP STP ETC 2022-23 OC RC STP FDP ETC 23-24 OC RC FDP STP 6.3.3 MERGED DETAILED REPORT OF OC RC FDP STP, LIST OF TEACHERS ANNUAL REPORTS UGC CARE LISTED Research Journal 2019-2020 UGC CARE LISTED Research Journal 2020-2021 UGC CARE LISTED Research Journals 2021-2022 UGC CARE LISTED Research Journals 2022-2023 UGC CARE LISTED Research Journals 2023-2024 SIGNED UGC CARE LISTED JOURNALS SIGNED PEER REVIEW LIST ALL INTERNATIONAL/ NATIONAL PEER REVIEWED/ REFERRED JOURNAL PUBLICATION MERGED_removed 4.3.2 student computer ration merged doc stock register bills computers etc Books and chapters in edited volume 2019-2020 Books and chapters in edited volumes = 2020-2021 Books and chapters in edited volumes=2021-2022 Books and chapters in edited volumes= 2022-2023 functional MoUs list with other institutions MOU with ASSAM KAZIRANGA UNIVERSITY MOU with JOYA GOGOI COLLEGE MOU with MARANGI MAHAVIDYALAYA MOU with JORHAT LAW COLLEGE MOU WITH D R COLLEGE MOU with NORTH LAKHIMPUR COLLEGE MOU Between NUMALIGHUR Tea Estate MOU with RUCHI FOOD PRODUCTS jdsg MoU merged MoU with AMTRON BOOK CHAPTERS 2023-24 Books and chapters in edited volume = 2019-20—2023-24( list) List of books and chapters = 2022-23 List of Books and chapters= 2020-21 List of Books and chapters= 2023-24 List of Books and chapters=2021-22 NEW AND UPDATED List of Books and chapters=2019-2020 NEW & UPDATED List of Books and chapters= 2020-21 NEW AND UPDATED List of Books and chapters=2021-22 NEW AND UPDATED List of books and chapters = 2022-23 NEW AND UPDATED List of Books and chapters= 2023-24 Workshop_ Seminar_ Confrence=2019-2020 Workshop_ Seminars_ Confrence=2020-2021 Workshops_Seminars_ Conference=2021-2022 Workshop_ seminars_ conferences=2022-23 3.2.2 workshop Seminar 2023-24 UPDATED Workshop_seminar_conference=2019-2020 (list) Workshop_seminar_conference=2019-2020 (list) (1) Workshop_Seminar_conference=2020-2021(list) Workshop_Seminar_Conference=2021-2022 Workshop_Seminar_Conference=2022-2023 Workshop_Seminar_Conference=2023-2024 (list) Extension work=2023-2024 Extension work=2021-2022 Extension Programme 2022-23 Extension Programme 2020-21 Extension Programme 2019-20 extension list 2023-24 extension list 2022-23 extension list 2021-22 extension list 2020-21 extension list 2019-20 grievance mechanism TEACHER ASSISTANCE MERGED 5.1.3 guidance for competiotive examination net slet 2019-20 net slet 2020-21 net slet 2021-22 2022-234 2023-24 Percentage of placement list of outgoing students (1) Students progressing list placement 2023-24 placement 2021-22 placemnt 2020-21 placement 2019-20 placemnet 2022-23 Higher Education 2019-2020 Higher Education 2020-21 Higher Education 2021-22 Higher Education 2021-22 Higher Education 2022-23 Higher Education 2023-24 Percentage of students qualifying in state-national etc (1) scholarship 2023-24 to 2019 POLICY DOCUEMNT FREESHIP ETC 5.1.2 (1) capacity building and skills etc list of outstanding medal Sports and culture programme (1) sports medfals erged (10) (1) CA REPORT Year wise report_ e governance docs IQAC INITIATIVES ETC LIST OF TEACHERS IN 2023-24 MOU With GOVERNMENT MODEL COLLEGE, DEITHOR FIELD STUDY OF HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY DEPT 2023-24 FIELD STUDY BY EDUCATION DEPT IN 2023-24 add on certificate course approval notice ASSAMESE DEPT FIELD STUDY REPORT IN ASSAMESE 2023-24 CBCS UG SYLLABUS ENGLISH DIBRUGARH UNIVERSITY FYUGP UG ENGLISH SYLLABUS SPOKEN ENGLISH SYLLABUS VIVA EXAMINATION ETC DOC PROFESSIONAL ETHICS ENGLISH DEPT. IMPARTING HUMAN VALUES ENGLISH DEPARTMENT IMPARTING GENDER VALUES ENGLISH DEPARTMENT IMPARTING ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY ENGLISH DEPARTMENT COURSE OUTCOME AND PROGRAMME OUTCOME DEPT. OF ENGLISH CO & PO CBCS UG SYLLABUS ENGLISH DIBRUGARH UNIVERSITY co & po FYUGP UG ENGLISH SYLLABUS FIELD STUDY REPORT ENGLISH DEPARTMENT 2024